Mea Culpa on my extended absence. Life intervened, we bought a house, and the summer slipped away. The school year started off with a bang, and for the past several weeks I've been working 16 hour days trying to fit too many activities into too little time. The fantastic news is that throughout all this, Bitchin' Bodies the book has been working its way through the publication process and is now nearing its national launch! As you can see, she's lovely -- and even better in person.
Karin Lekan, an amazing artist working out of San Francisco, CA created the wonderful images that accompany the text, including the cover image. Her images add a fantastic depth to the text and theory I develop in the book. Empowering and powerful, they alone are worth the cost of the book. Each day I look at them and find new meanings in them. They speak in a way that you can't fully understand until you see them.
Annie Heckman, the genius artist, editor, publisher behind the scene has been fielding book orders large and small from around the country. We all had an inkling that Bitchin' Bodies could be a good book, but the early response has been phenomenal. You can order the book from the usual online outlets or even better, directly from StepSister Press. I recommend getting your order in early, as we're nearing the point of doing a second printing.
In other news, the national launch will be Thursday, September 25 at 7:00 pm. We'll be in the Student Center Lounge on Saint Mary's campus. I'll be there to read from and talk about the book. Even more exciting, there will be a special dance performance of "Because of Barbie and Other Dumb Broads." The dance was choreographed by Jaclyn Thompson and is based in part on our discussions of what it means to be a woman today living in a society that demands we have bitchin' bodies even while the possibility of ever achieving the ideal bitchin' body is, at best, a dream for most of us.
We have many more exciting things brewing. I'll be keeping you updated. For now, I'll be interviewed Thursday morning, September 25 at 8:00 am on our local Fox morning show. You can also find me on facebook.
I'll be writing more about the launch and the interview and everything else. We also have a new exciting, companion book in the works. I'll save the details for later, but know that the title is: Bitchin' Back. Thanks for all your ongoing support and get ready to start a bitchin' revolution in women's bodies.
Yay! Great stuff, Terri. I'm so bummed I can't make it to any of your events but I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on this book! Best of luck on all your upcoming appearances.
(I was signed in with a weird account for the last comment. Sorry 'bout that.)
WOW...the news spot is great news! Can't wait for the launch...Jason & I will be there! Congratulations!!! Krista:)
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