Friday, November 30, 2007

I'M DONE BITCHIN' (for now...)

I’ve been thinking about writing this first entry for what seems like forever. Many writers have problems with ending – when or how to end. I’m the opposite. I usually have a solid idea of what I’m going to write and a general idea of where it’s going, but no clue how to get started. More about the trials and tribulations of writing later.

The thing I’m most excited about at this point is that after nearly eight years of work I’ve finished my book, Bitchin’ Bodies. Many of you have followed and supported me throughout this endeavor – big thanks! For the rest of you, in Bitchin’ Bodies I explore how young women talk about their frustrations with their bodies. I wanted to do more than write yet another tired book on the causes of body image – as if we can narrow it down to one thing. Instead I took the time to sit down and talk with hundreds of young women about how they experience living with body dissatisfaction. Funny isn’t it, how so many of the experts just skip right over that step of actually talking to the people they’re supposedly studying?

Through this blog, I’ll fill you in on some of the more interesting things I’ve learned over the last few years of study. Of course, I don’t want to overshare since I want to leave a few surprises for you when you read the book. And I’m hoping all of you will not only read it but will encourage your friends and family to pick it up as well.

Before this entry gets too ridiculously long, let me tell you a little about the publication process itself. Unless you’re a successfully published author who has sold hundreds of thousands of books or the latest celebutante to drink too much and forget to wear undergarments, it’s nearly impossible to get your project in front of a publisher’s eyes. Even if you can get someone to look at your project, convincing them to publish it and promote it in the way it deserves is a whole other story. After one too many frustrating discussions, I had pretty much given up on traditional publishing. Then I met the wonderfully amazing and talented Annie Heckman who was in the process of starting StepSister Press, a new independent press. Check out their blog to learn more about them.

Over the last few months we’ve spent a crazy amount of time ingesting caffeine and figuring out how to best get Bitchin’ Bodies into your hot little hands. We’ve come up with some interesting ideas on that front. In addition, I’m happy to say that Annie is now a friend. We’ve discussed teaming up on some future projects that I’ll share with you in future entries. For now, though, check out Annie’s art on her blog:

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